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Dentist Redlands CA Dentist Book

A Reason to Smile
Fixing Broken Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry

Everyone wants a healthy and good-looking smile, but many patients show reluctance to discuss their needs with their dentists. It could come from fear of being pressured into expensive dental work or their own lack of comprehension about the cost and impact of cosmetic procedures.

Another common fear is the uncertainty of lack of sedation and the potential pain that dental work could provoke. In the midst of so much confusing and conflicting information, where can you find the facts? A Reason to Smile: Fixing Broken Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry offers an inside view of the cosmetic dentistry industry and gives the reader insight from various leading experts in the field.

The 12 professionals contributing to this book were selected for their dedication and integrity in their constant efforts to provide the best dental care and solutions to their patients. These experienced dentists offer honest and legitimate advice on the benefits and facts about cosmetic dentistry procedures.

The book has something to offer anyone who is contemplating any type of dental procedure, but it is especially helpful for those who are considering cosmetic dentistry.

Each chapter offers an overall perspective of different topics related to cosmetic dentistry. Additionally, these experts deepen their explanations to provide the reader with accurate information about the facts and applications of these topics for their personal needs, giving them the right tools to make well-informed choices about cosmetic procedures.

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